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经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 广东 东莞 |
联系卖家: | 李经理 先生 |
手机号码: | 13798887455 |
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公司地址: | 广东省东莞市寮步镇横坑松溪路75号 |
发布时间:2020-06-12 17:31:36
Demirel said he's excited about the commercial application of the liquid. It could help improve protective clothing worn by soldiers, medical staff, even farmers, he said. Demirel's research was partly funded by the Office of N***al Research and the Army Research Office.
The uniform's place in Chinese society can be traced back through the country's history. As in most places across the world, they h***e been worn throughout the ages in the military to distinguish between facti*** and provide protection. Each dynasty f***ored a different style for its soldiers. Drawings of soldiers from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-221 B.C.) show studded boots and uniforms with he***y arm and torso protection, whereas similar depicti*** from the Sui Dynasty (A.D. 581-618) illustrate draped and layered military wear. Uniforms were often as fierce as the battles their wearers fought in.
For students, as with ***s, uniforms can increase the wearer's confidence. Some believe that more stylish school wear may help students perform better (or feel happier, at least). In April 2013, the Henan Provincial Experimental School in Zhengzhou decided to let students design their own uniforms. The results were met with praise from parents and the public, and delight from students.
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