企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 广东 东莞 |
联系卖家: | 李经理 先生 |
手机号码: | 13798887455 |
公司官网: | |
公司地址: | 广东省东莞市寮步镇横坑松溪路75号 |
发布时间:2020-06-19 16:22:13
Don’t pin it all on millennials — but, yeah, millennials do prefer more relaxed dress codes, and experts say companies in all industries are increasingly loosening their sartorial standa*** in hopes of keeping workers happy.
Calin以为,未来将会愈加注重制服的外观,她说“我国女人越来越介意自个的表面。她们作业的当地也需满意她们的这一需求”。以New World Hotel酒吧的职工为例,“她们穿黑色短裙,摇滚风的鞋子,画着烟熏妆,这带给人一种非常酷的形象”。
But China's love affair with uniforms stretches far beyond hospitality. While there is no single explanation for this, it may reflect a more inherently collectivist culture, where self-identity is shaped by group memberships. In the workplace, or in schools, people feel a stronger sense of self if they are able to define themselves as part of a group.
北京Calin服装学院校长Catalina Calin称,依然有很多当地需求制服,尤其是服务业。
“In Europe, you don't see uniforms that often [compared to China]. Hospitality is the one industry that is still using them because they can project the type of service or professionali*** that you are expecting,' she says. 'A uniform is very important for how a client sees you, but it’s also important for how the employee is feeling. The uniform has to be fitted right for the person to feel confident and beautiful.”
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东莞市旺龙服装有限公司 电话:0769-33266569 传真:0769-23662132 联系人:李经理 13798887455
地址:广东省东莞市寮步镇横坑松溪路75号 主营产品:职业装,工作服,T恤衫,工衣,厂服,西装,衬衫
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